Centre For Professional Development
Claims Assessor Course (Long Term & Statutory Claims)
A thorough knowledge and compliance to the regulatory framework and other provisions is key in delivering a satisfactory perfomance. Our Claims Assessor Short Course encompases all these.
Life Claims Underwriting Course
These questions are answered via a process known as “life insurance underwriting.” Come join us as we outline Life Underwriting in this course.
AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment (Self Learning)
Our flagship course on the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment is designed to cover these methods using the AMA Guides 6th Ed. or later. This course is a recording of all sessions without a physical online training or tutorial. It is ideal for Self-Learning and is absed on pre-2024 version. Latest offering is in the Hybrid Training with class attendance.
AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment
(Hybrid Attendance)
Certificates and CPD Points are earned for attendance and completion. For the 2025 year, this course will be run over 6 live sessions with contineous access to trainees over the 12 month calendar year.
Medicolegal Reports and Compensation Claims Management: Fact, Value and Policy
As a Medicolegal Practitioner, writing reports must be aimed at a particular outcome.
Certificates and CPD Points are earned for attendance and completion. This course is a part of the Claims Assessor Training Course.
AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment (Current Updates)
2024 saw the major overhaul of the entire musculo-skeletal system, a new methodology that allows for ease of reference and diagnosis based impairment being entrenched as the primary method of assessment.
This modu;e is geared towards those that have been trained in the use of the AMA Guides, and is for the update of the methods as previously taught.
Contextual Medicolegal Report Writing
Not understanding this very critical step may lead to a report that not only jeopardizes a claimant, but is there any possible comebacks for the writer of the report? Earn 8 (6 Clinical, 2 Ethics) CPD Points for a day's session.
Medical Aspects of Insurance Law
Any disconnect will almost always result in punitive actions including reputational damage. In this short course, we disect these regulations and empower the HCPs.
This course is for the HCP as an Employer, Service Provider and or Advisor to Employers.
Statutory Claims: Claim Cycle Management
We cover the Adjudication Process, Claims Assessment, Regulatory Provisions in line with Claims Review. Joins us and position yourself for the Statutory Insurance Industry.
Medical Terminology for the Insurance and Claims Professional
It is always mandatory that communications about medical conditions be understood and questions answered. This course is meant to broaden the understanding of medical terms and simplify the communications.
Understanding the Medical Guidelines for the Insurance and Claims Professional
This course is meant designed for the underwriters, product developers and claims assessors as well as other professionals in the value chain of insurance products.
Consolidating and Contextualizing Insurance Medicine
When applying the guideline outlined path during the claims assessing stage, context is of crucial importance. This course is meant for product design professionals, claims assessors and medical assessors.
Anatomy For the
Non-Medical Professional
Understanding the basics of human anatomy and medical terminology is crucial for non-medical professionals in the insurance industry, as it directly impacts their ability to assess and manage claims effectively.
Pathology for the
Non-Medical Professional
Understanding anatomical pathology enables professionals to interpret medical findings accurately and make informed decisions that align with the policyholder's medical history and the insurer's risk management strategies.
Physiology for the
Non-Medical Professional
This ensures that insurance products and services are properly aligned with the actual health risks and needs of policyholders.
Contact us
The HSBX Learning Hub
Course Credits
For more, contact our Admin on support@hsbxlearninghub.com
Dr Caswell Nkuna
Extensive experience in General Medical Practice, Health Services (including Hospitals) Management, Courses Assessments and Moderation, AMA Guides 6th Ed. Facilitation and Training. He is the current AMA Guides Impairment Evaluations Trainer/Facilitator and has trained more than 500 Impairment Assessors, including Medical Specialists, Allied Health and General Practitioners.
A member of the RAF Medical Experts as an Expert Impairment Rater. He is currently a member of the Compensation Fund Tribunal and member of the Committee on Schedule 3 review for COIDA. He is Current Medico-Legal Advisor to GENOA and runs Incapacity Programs for Industries in the Mining and Open Labour Markets. He is the Medical Expert on the General Damages Benefit Standardization project for the RAF.
He is the medical contributor to the Medicolegal Report Writer One X-i.